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Archive: 2017

U.S. Pacific Command detects, tracks North Korean missile launch 미 태평양사령부, 북한의 미사일 발사 탐지 및 추적
July 3, 2017

Team Osan personnel to move surveillance radar
June 25, 2017

USFK Continues to Assess North Korean Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
June 24, 2017

MARFORK changes command
June 14, 2017

Six ROK KF-16 fighter aircraft diverted
June 4, 2017

U.S. Pacific Command detects, tracks North Korean missile launch
May 28, 2017

U.S. Forces Korea Memorial Day Observance
May 22, 2017

U.S. Pacific Command detects, tracks North Korean missile launch 미태평양사령부, 북한 미사일 발사 탐지·추적
May 21, 2017

U.S. Pacific Command detects, tracks North Korean missile launch 미태평양사령부, 북한 미사일 발사 탐지
May 13, 2017

CIA Director meets with Alliance leaders 미 중앙정보국 (CIA)국장 한미동맹 지도부와 회동
May 3, 2017

U.S. Pacific Command detects North Korean missile launch
April 28, 2017

CFC Commander, Deputy honor fallen Alliance Soldier 한미 연합사 사령관과 부사령관, 훈련중 사망한 전우를 기리다
April 17, 2017

U.S. Pacific Command detects North Korean missile launch
April 15, 2017

U.S. Pacific Command detects, tracks North Korean missile launch
April 4, 2017

U.S. Marine Corps aircraft participate in exercise with Korean Marines
March 24, 2017

U.S. Air Force bombers conduct bilateral training missions with Koku-Jeitai, ROKAF
March 22, 2017

Alliance leaders visit USS Carl Vinson at sea
March 13, 2017

Gray Eagle Unmanned Aerial System company comes to the Korean Peninsula
March 12, 2017

THAAD arrives on the Korean Peninsula
March 6, 2017

Readout of Secretary Mattis' Call with ROK Minister of National Defense Han Min-Koo매티스 美 국방장관 과 한민구 대한민국 국방장관의 전화대담 관련내용
February 28, 2017

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