Women, Peace and Security

WPS in Korea

The goal of the UNC/CFC/USFK Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) Program, started in 2023, is to promote the meaningful contributions of women in the defense and security sectors on the Korean Peninsula. WPS promotes women’s full and equal participation in peace and security as a prerequisite to achieving sustainable peace throughout the region.

What is WPS?

WPS recognizes the diverse roles women play as agents of change in preventing and resolving conflict as well as building post-conflict peace and stability. With women making up over 50% of the population, they bring unique and necessary skills to security forces. We know that when we invest in a woman, she changes not only her own life, but also that of her family and community. Add that change in a key institution, such as the military, and she will change that institution and her country.

WPS Symposium

The WPS Symposium is an event held to discuss WPS matters within the Korean peninsula. It serves as a platform to illuminate the importance of human rights and inclusion of women towards peacebuilding efforts and strategies. It is an event for learning, discussion and opportunity. By involving all three command, the symposium helps to foster an inclusive dialogue, to share best practices, and to unveil groundbreaking strategies to further the mission. The WPS Symposium stands as a testament to three commands' collective commitment to a future where no woman's voice goes unheard, no woman's potential remains untapped, and no woman's contributions are undervalued.


In October 2000, United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 was adopted to strengthen the global commitment to ensuring that women and girls are more systematically and sustainably integrated into peace and security operations. To formalize its commitment, the United States passed legislation requiring certain Executive agencies, to include the Department of Defense (DoD), to implement specific WPS plans and issued a whole-of-government national WPS strategy. In June 2020, the DoD published its strategic framework and implementation plan which focuses on three Defense Objectives and as required by law, reported its annual progress on meeting these objectives to Congress.
