1. We will minister with purpose, rooted in the conviction of a divine purpose for every life and guided by a commitment to the free exercise of religion. We will seek to enhance force readiness, resiliency, and empowerment for life and service as we provide comprehensive religious support to the UNC/CFC/USFK community.
2. We will minister by example, upholding our particular service's, Chaplain Corps', and religious tradition's values and standards in the provision of intentional religious support to the entire force.
3. We will minister with excellence, providing effective religious program management, relevant religious advisement, and world-class religious support informed by cutting edge ministry concepts and practices and the evolving needs of the alliance.
4. We will minister with courage and compassion, advocating for religious freedoms, seizing, retaining, and exploiting the initiative in the provision of quality religious support, and providing compassionate ministry to the entire force.
5. We will minister with capable ministry partners, leveraging collective ministry action and building ministry partner capacity to provide responsive religious support to the entire force.
Again, God has placed us all here at a crucial juncture in time and history to serve and make a difference in the lives of the UNC/CFC/USFK community as we serve in the defense of the Republic of Korea. We look forward to serving you, partnering with you in ministry, and drawing upon your unique gifts and experiences to empower the UNC/CFC/USFK community for life and service!