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United States Forces Korea
United States Forces Korea
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Provost Marshal
Public Affairs
Secretary Joint Staff
SOFA Secretariat
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7th Air Force
USAG Humphreys
Osan Air Base
USAG Yongsan, Camp Red Cloud and Camp Casey
USAG Daegu
Kunsan Air Base
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Commander UNC/CFC/USFK
Command Sergeant Major
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Dep Commander CFC
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Force Status
USFK Publications
Policy Letters
UNC/USFK Joint Regulations
USFK Pamphlets/Manuals
PAM 11-1 Internal Controls
PAM 25-30 Index of Administrative Publication Forms
PAM 40-31 Korea Area Emergency Blood Program Procedures
PAM 600-300 Noncombatant Emergency Evacuation Instructions
PAM 600-300-1 NEO Handbook for Commanders, Unit Wardens and NEO Representatives
PAM 690-500 Position Classification Guidance and Standardized Job Descriptions for Korean National Positions
Manual 4715.05 Environmental Governing Standards (EGS)
Manual 4800.02 Guide to Safe Driving in Korea
Manual 5421.01 Protocol
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USFK Policy Letters
USFK Health Protection Condition Framework for COVID-19
Building and Maintaining the Force
Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
Combating Trafficking in Persons
Equal Opportunity and Equal Employment Opportunity
Operation Security (OPSEC)
Prohibited Substances
UNC and USFK Directorates and Special Staff Over-hire Policy Letter
Instructions for Per Diem and Lodging Entitlements while TDY in Seoul
USFK Policy for the Procurement and Presentation of Command Coins
USFK Policy for Motor Vehicle Traffic Supervision Concerning PTD
USFK Policy for Hours of Duty Work Schedules Compensation
USFK Policy for Contact Info, Signature Block Conventions and Call Forwarding Protocols
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USFK Instructions
USFKI 1100.01 - Joint Awards and Decorations Program
USFKI 1400.01 - Civilian Personnel Policies and Procedures - Korean Nationals
USFKI 1481.01 - USFK Over Hires
USFKI 1501.01 - Exchange and Commissary Privileges Access to Duty-free Goods
USFKI 2300.01 - International Agreements
USFKI 2310.01 - Organization and Functions - Joint Committee and Subcommittes under the United States of America - Republic of Korea Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA)
USFKI 3213.01 - USFK Operations Security (OPSEC)
USFKI 3270.01 - Personnel Recovery in the Korean Theater of Operations
USFKI 4200.01 - Individual Medical Readiness
USFKI 4200.02 - Force Health Protection (FHP)
USFKI 4200.03 - Air Quality
USFKI 4360.01 - Explosives Safety and Munitions Risk Management for Joint Operations, Planning, and Execution in U.S. Forces Korea
USFKI 4901.01 - Invited Contractor and Technical Representative Program
USFKI 5200.08 - Installation Access Control
USFKI 5701.01 - Policy for the Development of Headquarters United States Forces Korea (USFK) Directorate and Special Staff Issuances
USFKI 5711.01 - Correspondence and Administrative Procedures
USFKI 5713.01 - USFK Freedom of Information Act Program
USFKI 5760.01 - Records Management Policy for Headquarters USFK
USFKI 5780.01 - Knowledge Management Program
USFK Guide 7210 - Representation Funds of the Secretary of the Army
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USFK Regulations
Reg 1-21 Detail of U.S. Officers and Enlisted Personnel to Additional Duties
Reg 1-27 Settlement of Tort Claims and Noncombat Activity Claims in Korea
Reg 1-38 Reporting Change of Status of SOFA Personnel
Reg 1-40 USFK Travel Clearance Guide
Reg 1-43 Operations at Incheon International Airport
Reg 1-44 Criminal Jurisdiction under Article XXII, SOFA
Reg 1-46 U.S. Personnel Entering and Departing the ROK
Reg 1-54 Documentation and Verification of Status of Personnel
Reg 10-2 Installation Management and Base Operations
Reg 115-1 USFK Area Weather Watches and Tropical Cyclone Procedures for the ROK
Reg 115-2 Meteorology and Oceanography Support Responsibilities
Reg 12-16 Mutual Logistics Support between the U.S. Forces and the ROK Forces
Reg 12-17 Logistics Cost Sharing Program
Reg 190-1 Motor Vehicle Traffic Supervision
Reg 190-16 Registration and Control of Privately Owned Firearms
Reg 190-2 Off-limits Areas and Establishments
Reg 190-3 Administrative and Logistical Support for SOFA Personnel Confined in ROK Correctional Institutions
Reg 190-5 U.S. Army Regional Correctional Facility, Korea
Reg 190-50 Law Enforcement Procedures in Korea
Reg 190-6 Processing and Transferring U.S. Forces Captured Detainees to ROK Custody
Reg 200-1 USFK Remediation Regulation
Reg 215-3 Boy Scouts of America and Girl Scouts of the United States of America in Korea
Reg 25-10 Spectrum Management
Reg 25-5 USFK Public Access World Wide Web
Reg 25-6 Amateur Radio Operations Control for U.S. Personnel in the ROK
Reg 25-71 Cross Domain Solution Management
Reg 27-5 Individual Conduct and Appearance
Reg 27-7 Reporting Inter-service Criminal Misconduct and Investigations of UNC/USFK Staff Members
Reg 360-3 Public Information Activities
Reg 360-4 Good Neighbor Program
Reg 37-14 U.S. and ROK Currency and Currency Instruments
Reg 37-2 Special Measures Agreement Labor Cost Sharing Program
Reg 37-25 Payroll Deductions from Korean National Employees
Reg 37-5 Special Measures Agreement Process
Reg 37-57 Temporary Lodging Allowance for Uniformed Members within the Republic of Korea
Reg 385-1 USFK Safety Program
Reg 4-1 Korea Distribution
Reg 40-216 Referral of Personnel for Mental Health Evaluation
Reg 40-3 Korea Area Joint Blood Program
Reg 40-31 Korea Area Emergency Blood Program
Reg 40-4 Public Health Emergency Officer (PHEO)
Reg 40-5 Pet Control and Veterinary Services for Domestic Pets
Reg 405-7 Facilities and Areas (Real Estate) Policies and Procedures in Korea
Reg 415-1 Host Nation Funded Construction (HNFC) in Korea
Reg 525-2 Law of War Program
Reg 526-11 USFK Relations with Korean Nationals: Condolence Visits and Solatia
Reg 55-29 Patriot Express Policies and Procedures
Reg 55-35 Wartime Movements Program
Reg 55-37 Korea Traffic Management
Reg 55-443 Bulk Petroleum Management
Reg 550-5 Requests for Political Asylum and Temporary Refuge
Reg 550-52 Wartime Host Nation Support Program
Reg 550-8 Contingency Planning for Response to Disasters Affecting U.S. Installations and Personnel
Reg 600-20 Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program
Reg 600-200 Processing Formerly Captured U.S. Military Personnel
Reg 600-240 International Marriages of USFK Personnel
Reg 600-25-1 Establishment and Operations of the UNC/8A Honor Guard Company
Reg 600-250 Fund Raising - Combined Federal Campaign Overseas in Korea
Reg 600-32 Prevention of Unauthorized use of Gambling Machines
Reg 600-52 Civilian/Family Member Overseas Misconduct
Reg 614-1 Military Command Sponsorship Program
Reg 614-2 In-Processing and Orientation Program
Reg 643-2 Transfers of Duty-free Items
Reg 690-11 Civilian Personnel Mobilization Planning and Execution
Reg 690-118 Qualification Standards for Korean Employees
Reg 690-22 Korean Employees - Handling Disruptive Labor Actions
Reg 690-711 Labor Relations
Reg 700-11 Support of UNC Liaison Groups
Reg 700-5 Single Ammunition Logistics System-Korea (SALS-K)
Reg 700-6 Direct Support System Procedures
Reg 715-1 Debarment and Suspension Program
Reg 715-2 Contracting for Supplies, Services and Construction
Reg 715-3 Balance of Payments (BOP) Program
Reg 870-1 Guidance for the USFK Military History Program
Reg 930-5 American Red Cross Program and Personnel in Korea
Reg 95-4 Requesting and Allocating Army Aviation Support
Reg 95-5 Armistice Deployments to ROK Air Bases and Airfields
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UNC/USFK Joint Publications
Reg 105-25 ROK/US Joint Military Frequency Committee
Reg 1-70 Procedures for Visiting UNC Controlled Coastal Islands
Reg 190-41 USFK Customs Program
Reg 350-1 CFC and USFK Exercises
Reg 600-25-1 Establishment and Operations of the UNC Honor Guard Company
Reg 735-5 Property Accountability Policies and Control in the UNC, CFC and USFK Staffs (English)
Reg 735-5 Property Accountability Policies and Control in the UNC, CFC and USFK Staffs (Hangul)
Reg 95-14 Flight Information and Flight-Following Services (English)
Reg 95-14 Flight Information and Flight-Following Services (Hangul)
Reg 95-3 Korean Tactical Zone (RK) P518 Flight Procedures (English)
Reg 95-3 Korean Tactical Zone (RK) P518 Flight Procedures (Hangul)
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