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Transformation & Restationing

Welcome and Mission

Welcome to the Transformation and Restationing (T&R) page! We are a combined team of military, civilian and contractor professionals supporting the relocation and resetting of forces and facilities throughout Korea on behalf of the USFK Commander. USFK T&R oversees policy development, coordination, synchronization and integration for the Land Partnership Plan (LPP) and the Yongsan Relocation Plan (YRP), as well as additional force stationing issues as directed, in support of the USFK Commander.

Program Overview

USFK Transformation and Restationing is the largest bilateral transformation and construction project in the history of the Department of Defense (DoD).

  • The overall cost of the program is $10.7B, with the Republic of Korea (ROK) Government directly and indirectly funding 92% of the program. 
  • ROK funding for the Pyeongtaek Area Development Plan from 2006-2020 has been in excess of $15 billion.
  • The program consists of two main categories: Yongsan Relocation Plan and Land Partnership Program.

Yongsan Relocation Plan (YRP)


Enhance the ROK-U.S. Alliance by the consolidation of U.S. forces to key hubs and relocate the headquarters of United Nations Command (UNC), ROK-U.S. Combined Forces Command (CFC) and USFK from the Seoul Metropolitan Area.


Timely relocation essential for:

  • Development and efficient use of ROK land
  • Growth and development of Seoul
  • Enhanced force protection, readiness, quality of life and safety


  • ROK provides land, facilities, moving services and other expenses related to relocation (ROK Funded)
  • Minimize cost/Subject to availability of funds (authorized and appropriate by law)
  • Fully usable and complete facilities to U.S. standards (codes, regulations and guidance)
  • U.S. promptly returns land after relocation to suitable facilities

Implementation (Bilateral)

  • Master Plan (as updated), design, construction, oversight, project & program management
  • Initial outfitting and transition (IO&T)
  • Furniture fixtures & equipment
  • Active C4I / accreditation
  • Moving services (offices/units/personnel) 

Land Partnership Plan (LPP)


  • Consolidate U.S. forces, facilities and areas on the peninsula to more a suitable environment for stationing
  • Enhance force protection, promote readiness, and enduring structure of USFK, while promoting balanced development and efficient use of ROK land

Key Areas of Focus

  • Installations and facilities (camps, sites)
  • Training areas to support readiness
  • Safe storage of U.S. munitions (safety easements)


  • Minimize cost/subject to availability of funds
  • ROK provides replacement "land"
  • U.S. returns land after relocation is complete
  • ROK and U.S. provide facilities based upon specific camp/site relocations


  • 2002 - Predominantly Western Corridor, Wonju area, Osan, Busan sites
  • 2004 - Added Donducheon and Eujeonbu Sites (Casey, Hovey, Stanton, Jackson, etc.)




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