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USFK Public Affairs


Welcome to the USFK Public Affairs page! 

We remain committed to providing open and transparent communication and information across all of our communities, and will work tirelessly in all of our primary functions - media engagements and operations, community relations, plans and strategy, social and digital media, joint and combined training - to accomplish our mission in South Korea.

Mission and Vision Statement

USFK public affairs fulfills our primary obligation to inform and educate various U.S. and international audiences with timely, accurate and factual information that supports USFK command and staff priorities while maintaining the public’s trust and confidence in our ability to conduct military operation in peacetime, crisis or conflict on the Korean peninsula.

We strive to remain the most effective and efficient public affairs office within the Department of Defense with dedication and professionalism while interacting with combined and joint forces, domestic and foreign media, host-nation Good Neighbor Friendship Organizations and our USFK-affiliated community members.

USFK Public Affairs Director

Colonel Ryan M. Donald

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