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USFK Surgeon


Welcome to the United States Forces Korea (USFK) Command Surgeon webpage! The USFK Command Surgeon serves as the principal advisor to the USFK Commander for Force Health Protection and Health Service Support within the Korean Theatre of Operations. The Command Surgeon’s staff is comprised of a joint team of military medical planners and health professionals responsible for establishing policies and programs designed to sustain and enable the fielding of a healthy and fit force, protected from disease and injury. These policies and programs establish measures to promote the well-being, ensure a high quality of life, and strengthen the joint and combined force to protect against diseases and non-battle related injuries. 

A healthy and fit force provides the commander with optimally fit members that have an increased capacity to withstand the rigors associated with military operations in a joint and combined environment. Through collaboration and cooperation between the Command Surgeon’s staff and the Combined Forces Command (CFC) medical staff, essential and effective health service support planning and coordination are conducted to ensure that there is an adequate and sustainable Health Service Support Plan to enhance force readiness and to ensure the Republic of Korea (ROK)/U.S. Alliance is prepared—and if required, to "Fight Tonight."

Within this webpage you will find information pertaining to our mission, staff organization, contact phone numbers and links to relevant medical sites. We want you to learn more about who we are and what we do during your virtual visit. Our ultimate objective is to improve communications, understanding and cooperation between our staff and our customers. This website is one mechanism to attaining that objective. 

Mission and Vision Statement

To plan, develop, exercise, implement, coordinate and manage joint Health Service Support programs to enable and sustain a healthy and fit force during armistice and transition to hostilities in the Korean Theatre. To be the premiere advocate for Force Health Protection in the Korean Theater of Operations, under all conditions from armistice to conflict.

Key Tasks and Functions

  • Principle health service advisor to USFK Commander.
  • Coordinates and ensures the provision of Health Service Support and Force Health Protection as a sustainment and protection function.
  • Develops Health Service Support strategic plans, policies and procedures and synchronizes activities along all lines of operation.
  • Coordinates Force Health Protection measures and procedures, and advises the command staff and component commands on the impacts of diseases and other health threats.
  • Assesses component Health Service Support requirements and capabilities.
  • Ensures coordination of medical and health operations that sustains collaborative joint planning between United Nations Command (UNC), Combined Forces Command (CFC), USFK, DoD, U.S. Government agencies, host nation, and allied participants. 
  • Coordinates with components to ensure joint medical synchronization, standardization and interoperability of health service resources.
  • Coordinates medical participation in theatre level exercises.
  • Coordinates with host nation medical authorities on matters pertaining to public health, and other medical emergencies.
  • Manages the joint blood and joint patient movement requirements programs for USFK.
  • Manages medical logistics requirements and establishes theater policy for medical materiel standardization.

USFK Command Surgeon

Colonel Eric Swanson, M.D.

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