YONGSAN GARRISON, Republic of Korea – United States Marine Corps F-35B Lightning II aircraft began conducting training this week in support of the Korea Marine Exercise Program (KMEP).
The F-35B, which belongs to Marine Aircraft Group 12, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing, represents the future of Marine Corps tactical aviation and incorporates the mission capabilities of the current Marine Corps platforms it is replacing – the AV-8B Harrier, F/A-18 Hornet, and the EA-6B Prowler – within a single airframe.
“The deployment of the most advanced aircraft the USMC has in their inventory to Korea is yet another example of how dedicated the United States is to supporting the ROK – U.S. Alliance,” said Gen. Vincent K. Brooks, United Nations Command, Combined Forces Command and U.S. Forces Korea commander. “The training within the KMEP program helps ensure our readiness and is critical for our Alliance as we maintain security and stability on the Korean Peninsula.”
In addition to its short takeoff and vertical landing capability, the F-35B's unique combination of stealth, cutting-edge radar, sensor technology, and electronic warfare systems bring all of the access and lethality capabilities of a fifth-generation fighter.
Aviation training in the Republic of Korea is meant to enhance and improve the interoperability of ROK and the U.S. Marine Corps at the tactical level to build combined warfighting capabilities. The KMEP, like all ROK-U.S. Alliance exercises, is defensive in nature and not connected to any current events.
For photos visit:
![Korea Marine Exercise Program F-35B](https://d34w7g4gy10iej.cloudfront.net/photos/1703/3258194.jpg)
A U.S. Marine Corps F-35B Lightning II with Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 121, takes off from Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, Japan, March 23, 2017. VMFA-121 aims to fill close air support missions in support of 5th Anglico for the Korea Marine Exercise Program (KMEP) 17-5 in the Republic of Korea (ROK) later this month. The Marine Corps will continue to support the ROK-U.S. alliance with the most advanced aircraft platforms in their inventory.
대한민국, 용산 기지 – 미 해병대 F-35B Lightning II 공격기가 이번 주 대한민국 해병 교환 프로그램 (KMEP: Korean Marine Exchange Program) 지원을 위한 훈련을 실시하였다.
미 제 1해병 비행단, 제12 해병 비행전대 소속의 F-35B는 미래 해병대 전술비행을 대표하며, 현 해병대에서 임무를 실행하는AV-8B 헤리어, F/A-18 호네트, EA-6B 프리울러의 임무를 단일 기종으로 대체하였다.
한미연합사/유엔사/주한미군사 사령관 빈센트 브룩스 대장은 “미 해병대가 보유한 최신예 항공기의 한반도 전개는 미국이 한미 동맹을 지원하기 위해 얼마나 헌신하고 있는 지를 잘 보여주는 예이다. 대한민국 해병대 교환 프로그램을 통해 실시하는 훈련은 한반도의 안보와 안정을 유지하고 한미 동맹의 준비태세를 보장해준다.” 고 밝혔다.
F-35B의 단거리 수직 이착륙 능력, 스텔스 기능, 최첨단 레이더, 센서 기술 및 전자전 시스템은 5세대 전투기의 최고의 역량을 모두 보여준다.
대한민국에서의 비행 훈련은 한미 해병대의 전술적 상호운용성과 연합 전투 수행 역량을 강화 실시하기 위함이며, 대한민국 해병대 교환 프로그램은 다른 한미 동맹 훈련과 마찬가지로 현 상황과는 무관한 방어적 성격의 훈련이다.
KMEP에 참가하는 F-35B의 영상자료는
![Korea Marine Exercise Program F-35B](https://d34w7g4gy10iej.cloudfront.net/photos/1703/3258194.jpg)
A U.S. Marine Corps F-35B Lightning II with Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 121, takes off from Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, Japan, March 23, 2017. VMFA-121 aims to fill close air support missions in support of 5th Anglico for the Korea Marine Exercise Program (KMEP) 17-5 in the Republic of Korea (ROK) later this month. The Marine Corps will continue to support the ROK-U.S. alliance with the most advanced aircraft platforms in their inventory.
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