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Turn Toward Busan, South Korean 턴투워드부산 유엔참전용사 국제추모식
November 12, 2018
assigned to the United Nations Command, arrive at the UN Memorial Cemetery in Korea (UNMCK) for the Turn Towards Busan Ceremony. Turn Towards Busan is a ceremony held annually on November 11 at UNMCK to honor UN Sending States service members both living and deceased who fought in the Korean War. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class William Carlisle)

Joint communique of 50th U.S.-ROK Security Consultative Meeting
October 31, 2018

GEN Brooks Remarks - UNC Repatriation Ceremony - 1 August 2018
August 1, 2018

United Nations Command Hosts Change of Responsibility Ceremony
July 30, 2018
United Nations Command welcomed its new deputy commander and bid farewell to his predecessor during a change-of-responsibility ceremony held at Camp Humphreys July 30.

UNC and USFK Open New Headquarters Building
June 29, 2018
UNC/USFK Commander General Vincent K. Brooks cuts the ribbon to officially open the Vessey Complex, the new headquarters for United Nations Command and U.S. Forces Korea.

Puerto Rican native Raul Escribano promoted to Major General
June 25, 2018

CJCS Hosts ROK, Japanese Counterparts for Multilateral Discussions
May 31, 2018

U.S. Indo-Pacific Command Holds Change of Command Ceremony
May 30, 2018

United Nations Command, Blue House coordinate for historic summit security 유엔사령부, 역사적 정상회담을 위해 청와대와 경호 공조
April 27, 2018

Foal Eagle Participants Help Korean in Medical Emergency 독수리 훈련 참가 한미 장병, 민간인 구조
April 26, 2018
ROK and US service members provide medical care and stabilize a local Korean farmer harmed in a tractor accident. They continued care until emergency personnel arrive on scene. The special operators from Special Operations Command Korea were participating in the Foal Eagle field training exercise when they were flagged by local civilians for help.
한미 장병들이 경운기 사고를 당한 한국인 농부를 구조하여 의무조치 하였다. 사고 현장에 구조대가 도착할때까지 의무지원을 하였다. 당시 특전사 한국군 장병들은 독수리 훈련에 참가 중이 였다.

Guidance for USFK workforce on government shut down
January 20, 2018

Pacific Regional Trials 2017
October 25, 2017

USFK to conduct annual Courageous Channel exercise 주한미군, 연례 비전투원 후송훈련 ‘Courageous Channel’ 실시
October 15, 2017

USFK Commander awarded state medal during ROK Armed Forces Day Ceremony in Pyeongtaek 주한미군사령관, 대한민국 국군의 날에 보국훈장 통일장 받아
September 27, 2017

U.S. Bombers, Fighters Fly in International Airspace East of North Korea
September 25, 2017
A U.S. Air Force B-1B Lancer, assigned to the 37th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron, deployed from Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota, prepares to take off from Andersen AFB, Guam, Sept. 23, 2017. This mission was flown as part of the continuing demonstration of the ironclad U.S. commitment to the defense of its homeland and in support of its partners and allies. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Joshua Smoot

U.S., Japan, and Korea aircraft conduct show of force
September 18, 2017

September 14, 2017

U.S., ROK conduct show of force in response to North Korean missile launch 한-미, 북한 미사일 발사 대응 훈련…무력 시위
August 31, 2017

PACOM detects three NK missile launches
August 25, 2017

THAAD Environmental Study
August 12, 2017
U.S. Forces Korea representatives and members of the Republic of Korea Ministry of Environment traveled to the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) location to conduct an environmental study at Seongju, Republic of Korea, Aug. 10, 2017.
The ROK and the U.S. continues to coordinate on all aspects of the deployment of the THAAD system to South Korea. This is being done in a transparent way and in compliance with ROK domestic law.

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