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Press Releases

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Archive: 2020

USFK Employee Confirmed with COVID-19
March 9, 2020

USFK Employee Confirmed with COVID-19
March 6, 2020

Two USFK Dependents Confirmed with COVID-19
March 4, 2020

USFK Dependent Confirmed with COVID-19
February 28, 2020

USFK Leadership meets with USFK Korean Union Employees 주한미군 지휘부, 주한미군 한국인 노조와 만남 가져
February 18, 2020

USFK Implements Self-Quarantine for US Servicemembers, 주한미군 사령부, 장병들을 위한 자체 격리조치 시행
February 1, 2020

USFK Issues 60-Day Notice of Potential Furlough to KN Employees 주한미군 사령부, 주한미군 한국인 직원들에게 잠정적 무급휴직 60일전 사전 통보
January 28, 2020

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