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Press Releases

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USSTRATCOM Detects, Tracks North Korean Missile Launch
February 11, 2017

ROK MND Press Release: HAR-S Deploys to Korean Peninsula
January 8, 2017

CFC/USFK commander cites importance of ROK-Japan information sharing agreement
November 23, 2016

U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff Discusses Interoperability and Information Sharing with Military Leadership
November 20, 2016

CJCS Hosts ROK, Japanese Counterparts for Trilateral Discussions
October 15, 2016

Invincible Spirit exercise bolsters Alliance maritime capability to ‘Fight Tonight’
October 13, 2016

Strengthening the Alliance through expanding cooperation
October 8, 2016

CFC Commander, Deputy honor fallen Alliance Naval Aircrew
September 30, 2016

Gen. Brooks Salutes Korean War Veterans during 500th Honor Flight Ceremony
September 25, 2016

Readout of Gen. Brooks’ Meeting with Key U.S. Officials
September 25, 2016

ROK – U.S. Alliance ready to meet mutual defense obligations
September 12, 2016

CFC begins Ulchi Freedom Guardian 2016한미 연합사령부, 2016 을지프리덤가디언 연습 시작
August 21, 2016

주한미군사 사령관과 미사일방어청장의 환담
August 10, 2016

Readout of USFK Commander and Missile Defense Agency director office call
August 10, 2016

ROK-U.S. Alliance agrees to deploy THAAD
July 7, 2016

United Nations Command conducts Armistice enforcement operations in Han River Estuary
June 10, 2016

한국인 직원, 주한미군사령부의 필수 인력
May 20, 2016

ROK Employees integral part of USFK workforce
May 20, 2016

CFC Announces Start of Key Resolve and Foal Eagle 2016
March 6, 2016

U.S., ROK air forces train together at Seosan AB
January 28, 2016

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