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Archive: August, 2017

U.S., ROK conduct show of force in response to North Korean missile launch 한-미, 북한 미사일 발사 대응 훈련…무력 시위
August 31, 2017

PACOM detects three NK missile launches
August 25, 2017

THAAD Environmental Study
August 12, 2017
U.S. Forces Korea representatives and members of the Republic of Korea Ministry of Environment traveled to the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) location to conduct an environmental study at Seongju, Republic of Korea, Aug. 10, 2017.
The ROK and the U.S. continues to coordinate on all aspects of the deployment of the THAAD system to South Korea. This is being done in a transparent way and in compliance with ROK domestic law.

New ROK MINDEF makes first visit to USAG Yongsan 신임 국방부 장관 용산 미 육군기지 방문
August 3, 2017
From left, Republic of Korea Minister of National Defense Song, Young-moo, General Vincent K. Brooks, commander of United Nations Command, Combined Forces Command and United States Forces Korea, and Gen. Leem Ho-young, deputy commander of CFC, render the appropriate honors during a ceremony at U.S. Army Garrison Yongsan, Republic of Korea, Aug. 4. The visit was the Honorable Song’s first time to USFK headquarters since taking over as the MINDEF July 14. The ceremony included an inspection of the troops, a 19-gun salute and a presentation of one of the shell casings to honor the MINDEF.

U.S. Forces Korea Commander confident THAAD will enhance Alliance’s defense against North Korean Threats 주한미군 사령관, 사드 (THAAD)가 북한 위협으로부터 한미동맹의 방어력을 제고할 것을 확신
August 1, 2017

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