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Archive: July, 2017

Alliance Forces demonstrate ability to defend the ROK 한미동맹군, 대한민국 방어능력 입증
July 28, 2017

ROK-US Alliance demonstrates precision firing capability in response to North Korean missile launch 힌미동맹, 북한 미사일 발사에 대응해 정밀 타격능력 입증
July 28, 2017

OSD Statement on North Korea ICBM launch 북한 탄도미사일 발사에 대한 미 국방성 성명
July 28, 2017

STB deactivates as new USFK Support Company activates
July 25, 2017
Lt. Col. Jay Land, former United States Forces Korea Special Troops Battalion commander, hands the guidon to Capt. Fairusa Adams, commander of USFK Support Company during a ceremony at United States Army Garrison Yongasan, July 21. The USC is taking the place of the STB and will have administrative control of 8th Army HHB supporting approximately 350 USFK service members.

U.S. B-1B bomber flights demonstrate ironclad commitment to South Korea, Japan
July 8, 2017

Combined Statement on Alliance Response 한미동맹의 대응에 대한 공동성명서
July 4, 2017

ROK-US Alliance Demonstrates Precision Firing Capability
July 4, 2017

U.S. Pacific Command detects, tracks North Korean missile launch 미 태평양사령부, 북한의 미사일 발사 탐지 및 추적
July 3, 2017

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