Based on the recent increase of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the greater Seoul metropolitan area, out of an abundance of caution, United States Forces Korea has raised its current health protection condition from “Bravo” to “Charlie” for Area II (+) effective Saturday, Aug. 15 at 6 p.m.
USFK defines Area II (+) as the greater Seoul metropolitan area and an additional nine surrounding districts; the exact Area II (+) region is viewable on USFK’s interact hotspot map located at
Travel to and within Area II (+) is limited to residents of Area II (+) or those conducting official and necessary duties only for all USFK-affiliated personnel until further notice. All other travel requires an exception to policy letter signed by an O-6 officer or equivalent civilian supervisor within the individual or sponsor’s chain of command.
Individuals residing within Area II (+) are authorized to leave that area for approved activities within HPCON Bravo areas.
“While the USFK community has done a remarkable job keeping COVID-19 out of our formations, installations and communities, we must continue to remain aware of our surroundings and not let down our guard,” said Gen. Robert B. “Abe” Abrams, USFK Commander. “We must remain disciplined, vigilant and adhere to our core health protection measures that have enabled us to achieve our current level of success.”
The USFK community has meticulously followed all established preventive control measures put in place to protect the force as evident by USFK’s low infection rate of less than 1% among its affiliated population of 58,000, and has not had an internal positive COVID-19 case since mid-April.
“The threat of the virus still remains,” said Abrams. “We must balance the overall health, safety and protection of the force with mission accomplishment.”
USFK continues to maintain a robust combined defense posture to protect the Republic of Korea against any threat or adversary while maintaining prudent preventive measures to protect the force.
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