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Force Status

Force Protection Condition

What is FPCON?

Force Protection Condition, or FPCON, is a Department of Defense (DoD) approved system standardizing DoD’s identification of and recommended preventive actions and responses to terrorist threats against U.S. personnel and facilities.

The system is the principal means for a commander to apply an operational decision on how to protect against terrorism and facilitates coordination among DoD Components and support for antiterrorism activities. This system is defensive in nature but proactive enough to give the commander the flexibility to protect the DoD elements, personnel resources and interests. 

The FPCON level is set by each major command and applied to its theater of operations. These commands use all available threat intelligence to help make an informed decision. 

The FPCON system does two things to counter terrorists or other hostile adversaries:

(1) It sets the FPCON level at Normal, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, or Delta. 

(2) When an FPCON level is set, certain force protection measures are implemented. For example, if an Army garrison elevates to FPCON Charlie, you might see increased security measures at the gates, or even gate closures and the presence of additional security forces.

For additional information, contact your supervisor or military counterintelligence point of contact.

FPCON Normal

Applies when a general global threat of possible terrorist threat activity exists and warrants a routine security posture.


Occurs when there is an increased general threat of possible terrorist activity against personnel or facilities, the nature and extent of the threat are unpredictable.


Applies when an increased or more predictable threat of terrorist activity exists.

FPCON Charlie

Applies when an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating some form of terrorist action or targeting against personnel or facilities is likely.

100% ID card check required.


Applies in the immediate area where a terrorist attack has occurred or when intelligence has been received that terrorist action against a specific location or person is imminent.

100% ID card check required.

When are FPCON levels raised?

The FPCON levels are raised as a threat increases or if an attack has occurred.

How do I know the FPCON?

The Force Protection Condition level is posted at each gate entrance and all entrances to installation facilities. Additionally, FPCON levels are posted on this page. It is also recommended to sign up for the Alert! Notification System.

Read More about the DoD Alert! Notification System >>>

How will I know what measures are implemented as the FPCON increases of decreases?

While specific FPCON measures are not releasable in the interest of security, there are some key tips to keep in mind:

  • The FPCON level has been set at Bravo or higher since 2001.
  • FPCON Charlie — which indicates that a threat is likely — sets into motion curtailment plans for nonessential personnel.
  • FPCON Delta, the highest and most protective level, limits installation access to mission-essential personnel and other personnel as determined by the commander.

How do I know if I'm nonessential or mission-essential personnel?

If you are unsure if you are essential or nonessential personnel, contact your supervisor.

What if you need to get on-post during FPCON Charlie or Delta?

If you’re off-post and you live on-post, have children at school or need to get to the clinic, for example, and the Force Protection Condition has elevated to Charlie or Delta, stand by for further directions. Contact your supervisor or unit leadership for guidance. Make sure to connect to the USFK Facebook page at www.facebook.com/myusfk and your local installation's social media pages.

How will I know if the levels have changed?

Make sure to contact your supervisor or unit leadership for guidance and to connect to the USFK Facebook page at www.facebook.com/myusfk and your local installation's social media pages.

Additional tips and things to consider

  • No matter what the FPCON is, always carry two forms of photo ID when entering U.S. military installations.
  • Increased force protection measures do not necessarily indicate an increase in an FPCON. 
  • Practice good Operations Security (OPSEC). Practicing good OPSEC is not only for military personnel, but for everyone.
  • For personnel, make sure to complete your Level I Antiterrorism Training every year as well as any other security-related trainings.

Antiterrorism Training

JKO's Standalone Level I Antiterrorism Awareness Training

iSalute Reporting

U.S. Army Counterintelligence iSALUTE Suspicious Activity Report

DoD Antiterrorism Instruction Resources

Department of Defense Instruction 2000.12 - DoD Antiterrorism (AT) Program

Department of Defense Instruction O-2000.16 Volume 1 - (U) DoD Antiterrorism Program Implementation: DoD Antiterrorism Standards (This website is not authorized to post controlled documents. DoD PKI certificate required to access this document.)

Department of Defense Instruction O-2000.16 Volume 2 - (U) DoD Antiterrorism (AT) Program Implementation: DoD Force Protection Condition (FPCON) System (This website is not authorized to post controlled documents. DoD PKI certificate required to access this document.)

Current FPCON
  • All Areas - USFK

    USFK is currently in FPCON BRAVO

Health Protection Condition

Understanding Health Protection Conditions

The Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 6200.03 “Public Health Emergency Management within the DoD,” and supplements, provides military commanders with policy applicable to the COVID-19 outbreak. Commanders review and update the health protection condition (HPCON) based on the risk level in the local community and in cooperation with local, state, or host nation guidance.

Commanders and public health personnel use HPCONs to guide specific actions you can take in response to a health threat. While it’s always important to prevent the spread of germs, there are additional steps you can take if COVID-19 transmission becomes more widespread in your community. This site lists potential actions that may be indicated as a result of COVID-19.

HPCON Levels are now directly linked to U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 Community Levels. Make sure to take the recommended actions based on your local installation's HPCON Level to protect your health and safety and that of your family and community. 

Read more about each hpcon level >>>

Civilian county-level data can be found at: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/covid-by-county.html​​ ↗

Read More about the DoD Alert! Notification System to get updated alerts straight to your computer, phone and email.

U.S. Armed Forces members on assignment to Korea (permanent or temporary) must read and understand the following information concerning the Republic of Korea (ROK) Military Service and Nationality Laws. Members must also consider whether they have dependents that could be affected by the ROK Military Service Act.

1. Under the ROK Conscription Law, all male citizens of the ROK are obligated to serve at least 18 months in the ROK military. The conscription age under the current law is 18 to 35. The Korean government is enforcing this law upon U.S. citizens (including service members) who either hold U.S.-ROK dual citizenship or hold ROK citizenship with permanent resident status in the U.S. It is important to note, even if you are above the age of conscription, you may still face legal issues when entering the ROK until the age of 45.   

Additional information on the Korean Military Service System can be accessed through the ROK Military Manpower Administration at https://www.mma.go.kr/index.do (Korean) and https://www.mma.go.kr/eng/index.do (English)

2. If either parent was a ROK citizen at the time of the service member’s (or dependent’s) birth, no matter what country the service member (or dependent) was born in, the ROK considers such a person to have ROK citizenship. Males must renounce ROK citizenship before March 31st of the year they turn 18, or they will be required to fulfill their ROK military service obligation. Joining the U.S. military does not constitute renunciation of ROK Citizenship.

3. A Korean citizen who emigrates to the U.S. and becomes a U.S. citizen through naturalization automatically loses the Korean citizenship under ROK law. Such a person has an affirmative duty to report the naturalization to a Korean Consulate or the Ministry of Justice to ensure that his or her name is deleted from the Family Census Register. Report process can be found here. It is important to note that failure to report loss of Korean nationality and deletion from the Family Register to ROK authorities may cause issues for individuals when entering the ROK.

4. If you are of Korean descent and are uncertain if you or your children may have ROK citizenship, we urge you to consult with the nearest Korean Embassy or Consulate regarding potential obligations before traveling to or entering the ROK for further guidance. Locations can be found here. Processing times may vary and official resolutions could take from three to eight months.


USFK's COVID-19 resource provides information to the community about COVID-19 and COVID-19 related information.

Visit the COVID-19 Page

HPCON Levels

    HPCON Alpha

    Low COVID-19 Community Level Risk in the county in which the installation is located

    Less than 100 percent of normal occupancy in the workplace, with telework as appropriate.

    Continue all previous actions listed in HPCON 0 and:

    • - Routinely clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces, especially in common areas and larger venues.
    • - If you are sick, call your medical provider for instructions on receiving care before going to the clinic.
    • - Stay informed by routinely checking reliable sources of information such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and your local public health agencies.


Alert! Notification System

Alert! Mass Warning Notification System, or MWNS, is owned by the U.S. federal government and sends registered users emergency warnings and other critical information, such as hazardous road conditions, reporting delays, and base closures due to severe weather. The notifications are mostly local, but may also be theater-wide.

How to register (service members, DoD civilians and contractors)

STEP 1 - Login to self-registration: https://alert.csd.disa.mil/. Click the DoD and All Services Icon. Note: You will be prompted to log-in with your CAC card.

STEP 2 - Add Personal Information. First & Last Names are required fields. CAC EDIPI will populate automatically from the CAC. Rank is optional.

STEP 3: Add Contact Methods. You must add at least one valid, internationally formatted (+82-) telephone number. You may add up to 10 phone numbers and email addresses into the system.

STEP 4: Add Associations and Military Location.

  • Service (Branch)
  • Region (OCONUS)
  • Installation
  • Subinstallation
  • (Optional) Add Start/Stop Dates
  • Click Add
You may add further associations such as Command Structure (you will need your Unit Identification Code (UIC); Work/Home Address; and Additional Attributes from a drop-down window. NOTE: You must have at least one non-dated association in order for your record to be saved. If you have multiple associations, add each separately.
  • Remember to save all work when prompted.


Registration for family members and retirees

Family members of U.S. and non-U.S. military, civilian and contractor personnel whose normal place of duty is on an Army garrison or in an Army facility can also be registered in Alert!. To register, sponsors should add family member data on the Alert! self-registration page in the additional fields that have been provided.  This is very important for family members that are also MWR employees as they are not usually provided a CAC.

Retirees can be registered and deregistered in Alert! through their garrison retiree activity council or similar agency.

Keep your information up to date

Your Alert! account will follow your military or DoD career — both as a civilian and service member overseas and in the U.S. If you move to a new office or get a new personal cell number, make sure to go into Alert! and provide your current information. Alert! is effective in reaching community members with critical messages in real-time, but its success depends on users’ input.

Guests & Alert!

If you're unable to register, you can still follow alerts. During severe weather or emergencies, please follow your local installation social media pages and/or the USFK Facebook page ↗. For Road Conditions, please call the Road Conditions Hotline at nd/or call the Road Condition hotline at DSN (315) 755-8077 or COMM 050-3355-8077.