are lots of stories in the news about the abuse of prescription
medication, but did you know that over-the-counter medication can also
be abused?
Some are abusing over-the-counter medications containing
dextromethorphan, better known as DXM. The ingredient is typically found
in cold and flu medications. If you notice someone purchasing excessive
amounts of DXM medication, or with the medication in his or her room, let authorities know.
USFK’s law enforcement agencies have noted an increase in misuse and
abuse cases, logging over two hundred potential cases in the past 18
months. This is a violation of USFK Policy Letter #6, Prohibited
Substances, which may result in punitive actions under Article 92, UCMJ,
and/or adverse administrative actions. Military law enforcement
routinely checks the ration control monitoring system for signs of
excess purchases and investigates potential cases.
“Because abuse and misuse of over-the-counter medications directly
impacts readiness and our ability to fight tonight, USFK considers this a
serious matter and we aggressively investigate and deal with those who
violate policy,” said Col. Laurence Lobdell, USFK Provost Marshal.
To mitigate the issue, and to provide unit-level leadership with
greater awareness of potential abuse or misuse cases, USFK will begin
actively using the ration control monitoring system to track purchases
and provide notification to unit ration control monitors. This will
begin on 31 March 2014. Based on subject matter discussion, the
monitoring threshold is three (3) units (a unit is a bottle, box, etc.)
per individual or family per month.