CFC Commander, Deputy honor fallen Alliance Naval Aircrew
한미연합사 사령관과 부사령관, 한미연합훈련 중 순직한 한국 해군 장병에게 애도 표명
YONGSAN GARRISON, Republic of Korea – Gen. Vincent K. Brooks, United Nations Command, Combined Forces Command, and U.S. Forces Korea commander expressed his condolences over the loss of three Republic of Korea (ROK) Navy sailors during a wreath laying ceremony at the Korean Armed Forces Capital Hospital in Seoul, Sept. 30.
대한민국, 용산기지– 유엔군사령관/한미연합사령관/주한미군사령관빈센트브룩스장군은9월30일국군수도병원장례식장을방문하여, 훈련중순직한한국해군장병3명에대한애도를표했다.
Lieutenant Commander Kim Kyung Min, Lt. Cmdr. Park UShin, and Master Chief Hwang Sung Cheol died when their aircraft crashed during an Alliance maritime operation in the waters East of the Korean Peninsula, Sept. 26.
김경민소령, 박유신소령, 황성철상사는9월26일한반도동해상에서한미연합해상작전중불의의사고로순직하였다.
"I would like to express our deepest condolences to ROK Navy Air Wing 6 and to the families of these three Warriors who died doing what we asked them to do in defense of the Korean Peninsula," Gen. Brooks said. "Their service and sacrifice exemplify the courage and selflessness of the ROK people, and represents the very best of the U.S.-ROK Alliance. As allies, we have time and again demonstrated our resolve to ‘go together’ in the face of shared threats. In times like these, we must also grieve together."
브룩스사령관은, "한반도방어임무를수행하다순직한3명의용사와이들의유가족들, 해군제6항공전단에깊은애도를표한다고말했다. "이들의헌신과희생은For additional information visit
대한민국국민의용기와희생정신뿐만아니라한미동맹의강력함을보여줍니다. 동맹국으로서, 우리는적의위협에맞서‘함께간다라는결의를계속해서증명해왔습니다. 특히, 이같은시기에우리는진정한동맹으로서‘함께애도해야합니다."
General Brooks was accompanied during the ceremony by Gen. Leem Ho Young, thenewly appointed Deputy Commander for the Combined Forces Command.
브룩스사령관은이날새로임명된한미연합사부사령관, 임호영대장과함께조문하였다.
"I express my deepest condolences to the families of our brave Navy service members who died during last week’s training exercise to protect the waters off the Korean Peninsula," said Gen. Leem. "Their passion and honorable sacrifice will remain in the Alliance forever and they will be remembered in our hearts as true patriots."
부사령관임호영대장은"대한민국의영해를지키기위해한미연합훈련도중장렬히산화한우리해군장병들과유가족들께깊은애도와위로를표하며, 그들의열정과고귀한희생은한미동맹의정신속에영원히살아있을것이며, 우리들마음속에진정한애국자로기억될것"이라고말했다.