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MND and U.S. Joint Statement on THAAD Updates

PA-001-22 | Oct. 7, 2022

USAG Humphreys, Republic of Korea —
United States Forces Korea has brought in new equipment to modernize its Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system to improve the interoperability between U.S. Patriot and THAAD missile defense systems at Forward Operating Site Carroll. The equipment brought into the site is not an additional THAAD battery. Once the new equipment is integrated into the current system redundant equipment will be removed from the site.
“This effort to provide the latest missile defense capabilities exemplifies the U.S.’s ironclad commitment to provide extended deterrence for the defense of the ROK,” said Brig. Gen. Ha, Dae Bong, Director General for Defense Policy, Ministry of National Defense.
The modernization effort will enhance the system’s defense capabilities and increase its ability to protect the ROK population and critical assets from DPRK’s missile threats.
“These routine updates allow the ROK-U.S. Alliance to be even more prepared for the DPRK’s continually advancing nuclear and missile threats, and the system, which is a defensive asset, does not infringe on the strategic or security interests of regional neighbors,” Brig. Gen. Mark A. Holler, Deputy Commanding General of Operations, said with emphasis.
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