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Decontamination Efforts within DMZ to Curb African Swine Fever

PA-005-19 | Oct. 6, 2019


Gen. Robert B. "Abe" Abrams, Commander, United Nations Command, authorized the Republic of Korea to fly helicopters beginning yesterday into the Demilitarized Zone - which is designated restricted airspace in accordance with the Armistice Agreement - to conduct decontamination spraying in support African Swine Fever containment efforts.


The decontamination effort is part of the holistic maximum effort by the Republic of Korea government to contain the ASF and follows the temporary closure of the Joint Security Area at Panmunjom for tours and closure of UNC Education and Orientation Program sites.


The Republic of Korea government requested the helicopters be allowed to fly inside the DMZ and near the Military Demarcation Line so as to cover as much area as possible with decontaminate.


UNC coordinated the effort with the Ministry of National Defense and informed the Korean People’s Army, who observe the DMZ north of the MDL, in order to prevent miscalculation and remain transparent with the purpose of RoK helicopters flying within the DMZ.


UNC remains committed to supporting ROK government efforts at preventing any further spread of swine fever in the country.

  • Jacqueline Leeker
  • Phone:010-8525-2856
  • jacqueline.n.leeker.civ@mail.mil
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