The Noncombatant Evacuation Operation exercise Focused Passage 2015 starts April 27 and will run through May 15.
Focused Passage 2015 is designed to ensure U.S. Forces Korea service
members and families are prepared to evacuate during a crisis situation.
During this exercise, noncombatant evacuees are required to have their
NEO packets checked by their unit NEO warden.
Focused Passage 2015 is critical to the readiness of USFK family
members and DoD-affiliated personnel in the event of an evacuation. This
exercise improves overall mission readiness by executing required unit
and individual level administrative tasks, which enables more efficient
operations during a real-world situation.
Focused Passage is a regularly scheduled exercise and is unrelated to
any current or specific world events. Focused Passage is one of two
annual NEO exercises-the other being Courageous Channel in the fall.