USAG Humphreys, Republic of Korea –
Command Sgt. Maj. Jack H. Love, command senior enlisted leader for United Nations Command, Combined Forces Command, and U.S. Forces Korea, hosted the 2nd Annual Keystone Seminar from June 21 to 23, 2022.
The seminar brought together command senior enlisted leaders from the ROK-US Alliance, as well as UNC, for a three-day event to build sprit de corps and learn about Korean military history.
The CSELs were greeted by Gen. In-choul Won, Republic of Korea Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Gen. Paul J. LaCamera, Commander of United Nations Command, Combined Forces Command, and U.S. Forces Korea, at the ROK JCS headquarters on the first day.
“Everyone gathered here today plays a critical role as a senior enlisted leader,” said Won. “What you think and how you act will seep into your subordinate NCOs as well as their soldiers. This allows you to link the subordinate units to the intent of you commander.”
“The officers you see before you are the result of good noncommissioned officers,” said LaCamera. “You operate with our authority. While the responsibility of command is something we cannot delegate, you do have our full faith, trust, and confidence.”
Command senior enlisted leaders for each of the ROK’s military branches’ Education and Training Commands briefed the team on their respective enlisted education and training systems. The day culminated with a traditional Korean barbecue where the leaders had the opportunity to relax and enjoy some camaraderie.
On the following two days, they had the opportunity to visit the Joint Security Area History Museum, a remains recovery site at Arrow Head Ridge 281, Baekma Highland Memorial, the ROK Army’s 3rd Infantry Division, White Skull Guard Observation Post, and the 2nd Infiltration Tunnel discovered in 1975.