USAG HUMPHREYS, Republic of Korea –
Based on the recent increase of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the greater Seoul metropolitan area, out of an abundance of caution to protect the force, United States Forces Korea has raised its current health protection condition from “Bravo” to “Charlie” for Area II effective Saturday, Dec. 12 at 6 p.m. until further notice.
USFK defines Area II as the greater Seoul metropolitan area with the exact Area II region viewable on USFK’s interact hotspot map located on the USFK COVID-19 page.
To minimize the potential exposure to others, only mission essential individuals will report for duty with all others conducting telework.
Bars, clubs, karaoke rooms and other areas that limit attendance to adults only, as well as eat-in seated dining is off-limits; take-out and delivery is authorized. Off-installation gyms, fitness facilities, group music lessons, internet cafes, martial arts classes aerobic and dance classes, as well as on and off-installation saunas and steam rooms also remain off-limits for the time being.
Travel within Area II is limited to official and necessary duties only for all USFK-affiliated personnel until further notice.
All other travel requires an exception to policy letter signed by an O-6 officer or equivalent civilian supervisor within the individual or sponsor’s chain of command.
Individuals residing within Area II are authorized to leave that area for approved activities within HPCON Bravo areas.
Bubble-to-bubble travel to Area II remains authorized.
All USFK-affiliated individuals are reminded to adhere to all USFK core tenets, HPCON measures and ROK government and local directives to protect yourself, your bubble and others from COVID-19.
USFK continues to maintain a robust combined defense posture to protect the Republic of Korea against any threat or adversary while maintaining prudent preventive measures to protect the force.