Out of an abundance of caution based on the recent spike of confirmed COVID-19 cases across South Korea, United States Forces Korea has raised its current health protection condition to “Charlie” peninsula-wide effective Monday, Aug. 17 at 5 a.m.
“I have complete confidence the ROK government and KCDC will suppress this outbreak and stop the spread,” said Gen. Robert B. “Abe” Abrams, USFK Commander. “But we must balance the overall health, safety and protection of the force with mission accomplishment, and that means immediately raising our health protection conditions and preventive control measures now.”
To minimize the potential exposure to others, only mission essential individuals will report for duty with all others conducting telework.
Off-installation travel is only authorized for official and necessary duties. Any other travel requires an exception to policy letter signed by an O-6 officer or equivalent civilian supervisor within the individual or sponsor’s chain of command.
All USFK-affiliated individuals must wear a mask when off-installation to adhere to the core tenets to protect yourself, your bubble and others.
Seated dining at off-installation restaurants, groups larger than 15, amusement parks, festivals, theaters and all bars, clubs and establishments that restrict entrance to adults only are off limits pen-wide to all USFK-affiliated personnel.
“We must protect the force to protect the mission,” said Abrams.
USFK continues to maintain a robust combined defense posture to protect the Republic of Korea against any threat or adversary while maintaining prudent preventive measures to protect the force.
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