USFK Dependent Confirmed with COVID-19
PA-001-20 | April 8, 2020
The spouse of a Camp Casey civilian employee tested positive for COVID-19 today.
The dependent last visited Camp Casey on March 25 and has been in self-quarantine at her off-post residence since April 2.
USFK health professionals are currently conducting contact tracing and are thoroughly cleaning known facilities visited on Camp Casey.
The USFK employee has joined his spouse in self-quarantine at their off-post residence due to his spouse testing positive.
USFK is collaborating with local public health authorities and the KCDC to share information and discuss response measures.
Additional information will be provided by USFK as it becomes available.
USFK continues to maintain a robust combined defense posture to protect the Republic of Korea against any threat or adversary while maintaining prudent preventive measures to protect the force.