In order to create a positive and engaging environment for the USFK community, we ask all users to treat each other with respect. Bullying and degrading comments in regard to race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, political affiliation, gender, or identity will not be tolerated.
Users may disagree with an idea and healthy debates are welcome; however, please be respectful toward others and their opinions. Insults, threats, or harassment of USFK page managers, other users, organizations, or employees are prohibited.
USFK will hide or delete comments that are:
defamatory, indecent, hateful, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, sexist, disgraceful, vulgar, or inappropriate
threatening or harassment, including but not limited to name-calling or personal attacks
encouraging or suggesting illegal activities
announcements from political organizations
unintelligible, spam, irrelevant, false, misleading, or taunting
Even though we discourage such comments, we do not support censorship. USFK admins will send a message to the account which posted the comment, reminding them of the community guidelines and offering them the opportunity to repost their comment without violating the guidelines, in addition to notifying them that their comment has been hidden.
USFK reserves the right to block anyone who has violated the guidelines indicated above.